All posts by Tesha Fritz

Love is Patient

God is slowing me down to appreciate His word in small bites.  Today’s snack – “Love is patient.” Walk with me slowly through this meditation.   When I became a wife, I kind of thought that I would need a couple of months – maybe a year to “get it right.”  I thought that the learning curve would be like learning to ride a bike:  you fail – you learn – you never forget.  Love is patient – for  a reason. When I married my husband I pledged my love for as long as I live.  Why is marriage forever?…


Sexual Healing

When did you know you needed it?  Was it after the rape or possibly the second you saw that first naked image, was it when trust was broken and shame was carried. Was it after he snapped the pic and you didn’t have proof but you felt like your body had been shared? Was it the inappropriate touch at a sleepover or a friend who became an intimate foe? Was it the abortion?  Was it the guilt of admitting there had been too many partners to remember them all or even worse the fleeting thought that some may not even…


The Kirk/Kanye Controversy

    Scrolling through Facebook I saw a picture of Kirk Franklin and Kanye West. Kirk Franklin posted the picture in an effort to calm the firestorm ensuing as his fans react to the news that Franklin will be featured on Kanye West’s new album, The Life of Pablo.  The  single, “Ultralight Beams” not only features Kirk Franklin, but a Gospel choir, Kelly Price and a few other celebs.   Check out the post here:  Kirk’s post “Kanye is not me. I am not him. He is my brother I am proud to do life with. No sprints, but Marathons;…


The King You Really Want!

Samuel had been the leader of Israel.  The people noticed two things – 1. He was getting old and 2. His sons were not fit to take his place as a judge.  They then asked him for a king, so we can be like other nations.  This grieved God’s heart.  They asked for a king, as if they didn’t have one.  Samuel was displeased by their actions, but God reminded him, “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.” 1 Samuel 8:7 Rejecting…


Why Can’t I Pray Away Depression?

14.8 million American adults suffer from depression.  These are just the ones that report it, so just imagine the number of those who are struggling in silence.   It is the leading cause of disability in the United States.  Research says that depression is more prevalent in women than men, but my suspicion is that women are more willing to admit it than men.   Here is what I do know – if you are struggling YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I have struggled with depression in the past and there are times when I will have an episode.  I hate…


Who’s Driving – Are you a Submissive Wife? 3 Questions for Your Heart.

I went to lunch with a young lady who was engaged to be married.  “My husband WILL NOT be my head, ” she said with conviction.  The statement troubled me and disturbed me.  I was quiet a moment then asked, “Then why get married?” Single women drive themselves.  If driving is your thing, there is a place for that.  When you marry, you are saying I will let you drive me.  I will help you, but I won’t harm you.  I will willingly serve you and serve alongside you, but I won’t injure you with my pride. Who is Really…


Five Signs that Marriage is Not for You

Can’t you picture it?  Dresses.  Flowers.  Bridesmaids.  Engagement parties.  Walking down the aisle to a sea of adorning witnesses.  The gasp at a glimpse of your beauty.  The awestruck audience that looks on lovingly as you say those two little words, “I do.”  Isn’t it lovely?  Don’t get me wrong, weddings are beautiful, but they aren’t made of the things that make a marriage last.  I’ve talked to many ladies whose training to be a bride far outweighs their preparation to be a wife.   I don’t want any one to make the mistake of getting married for the wrong…


How to Mourn the Death of a Friendship

  Dearly beloved we have gathered here today to mourn a loss.  Some friendships grow in different directions, others suffer a fatal blow, and other friendships fall apart at the hand of foul play.  It doesn’t matter what happened, friendships that fail are difficult to get over. I know first hand that losing a friend can be tougher than heartbreak. My circle has been small for a long time, but when I found out that the value I placed on the word friend was not shared with one who I considered one of my closest, I kind of freaked out….


Are You a Killer?

I’ve been killing myself from the inside out.  Here is my confession:  I could point out my every flaw.  I could tell you every fault of my own.  I could beat myself up pretty badly.  I could criticize and find every terrible, awful, no good thing about me.    I could not forgive myself easily.  I could not accept compliments without discounting them.  I could not speak about myself positively without negating it.   I was an expert at everything wrong with me.  I was a novice on building what was right about me.  I had come to expect the…


What God Wants from Your Workout

The number one New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight.  There are a million programs out there, but there is no secret to what really works: DIET and EXERCISE.  It’s really not what to do that plagues people but how. One of my biggest road blocks was getting started.  I had no idea where to start with the exercise part.  Since 2012 I have found some great ways to exercise, and I feel like my struggle with exercise has also been a growing point in my faith.  Here are three things I think God asked of me when it came…

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