Imagine Your Victory Freedom Pages

Do you know my Daddy?

I was helping a new student get registered for a test.  I asked the usual questions starting with, “What is your name?”  When she responded, her last name was a very uncommon one that was the same of one of our family friends.  I asked her, half jokingly, was she related to a couple of the people in that family.  Her face changed, she locked her eyes into mine.  “Oh my God!  That’s my father.  Do you know him?”  Then she started to cry as she explained to me that she had never met him, but desperately wanted to get…


The Road to Marriages that Last

Matthew 7:13 – 14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” This verse has been on my heart so much lately.  I was thinking about it in terms of marriage.   The divorce rates in this country are widely publicized as more than 50% of all marriages in America end up in divorce, but yet the wedding industry is booming.  1/2 of marriage fail the…


Is She In Too Deep?

Would you let her drown?  Would you seriously just let her drown without even trying to save her? I’ve been to the ocean and nothing troubles me more than to be in what I consider to be “safe waters” and a large wave comes and sweeps me up in its path and delivers me to sand I never intended to touch.  I can’t stand the uncertainty of the water, so I make sure I stay in a place that, as far as I can tell,  is safe for me and I can handle it. A while ago, I was at…



This kind of stuff only happens to me. One of my former students lost his mom.  When I heard about the arrangements for the funeral, I knew that I wanted to take chicken for the repast.  Chicken is my favorite thing to bring!  I don’t know why.  Maybe because it’s my favorite thing to eat. ( I just thought you should know that about me.)  Anyway I got to the funeral a little late.  I could tell it was packed inside because there was seriously no place to park.  Cars were everywhere!  I finally found a place and I walked…


Love Yourself Right Where You Are

The best way to improve or make a life change is to love yourself right where you are.  You have to see your beauty to build on it, or every improvement will be a mask.  You have to embrace your body to transform it or every attempt will be unsuccessful.  You have to love your heart to want to see it healed, or every relationship will be a band-aid not a stitch (a cover not an aid to healing) Right where you are you are in perfect shape to move forward.  Right where you stand you can love yourself enough…


The Bridge to Becoming Brave

The Bridge to Becoming Brave:  How to Confront Fear with Faith  I would have never described myself as brave.  I’m a calculated risk kind of girl.  I make plans.  I can be flexible, but very rarely would I say that I do things that require bravery.   I just couldn’t see myself as brave. An opportunity came about on our one day of sight seeing while I was in Ireland on a mission trip with my church.  During a briefing for the next day the lead pastor of the church we were working with asked, “How many of you are…


Single but… it’s Daddy’s Fault

Oprah recently did a special with a few high power guests about the notion of daddyless daughters.  I watched the show and I was moved to tears at some of the testimonies and a few of the follow up reconcilliations. One of the notions that struck me was that I think that a biblical aspect may have been missed.  So for every daughter that may be stuck in bitterness and anger toward their dad, I would like to minister healing and reconciliation in this area from the Word. About a year or so ago I wrote an article that was…


Single but… Do I Have to Get Along With Other Women?

Marrying the man of your dreams means that you will have to deal with the women attached to him.  His mom, his sisters, possibly his exes… it can be difficult – especially if they have “issues”.  Dealing with broken women can be a momentous task.  This is what to do when God allows you to see the ugly side of the issues deal with on the inside.  Pray.  Usually when broken women deal with others, they are attempting to evoke the brokenness inside of you with their actions.  Surprise the devil with the shield of faith.  Even when you feel…


Single but… Holding on (Part 8)

Sand castles can be large.  Sand castles can be small.   Some can resemble real castles, fictional characters, famous structures and take on many shapes and sizes, but at the end of the day, no matter how elaborate…all sandcastles are temporary. Here are three things we can learn about relationships from sandcastles. 1.  Sandcastles are temporary – You can built them, pack them, shape them – but when force is exerted on it, it will fall.  Whether the force is wind, or rain, or water, or time it will fall.  It was never meant to be permanent, and everybody knew that….


Single but… Praying Tough Prayers (Part 7)

  My friend was sharing with a group of us her frustrations about being single.  “I don’t even know what  I’m supposed to be praying for, and I hate when people say just pray and wait on God.”  She was joking but I could sense the frustration underneath.   In speaking with my husband about her comments we talked about what we wished we would have prayed for before we got married, and here it is.    We want to share some practical tips about prayer that will prepare your heart for what God wants to do for you and through…

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