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How to Mourn the Death of a Friendship

  Dearly beloved we have gathered here today to mourn a loss.  Some friendships grow in different directions, others suffer a fatal blow, and other friendships fall apart at the hand of foul play.  It doesn’t matter what happened, friendships that fail are difficult to get over. I know first hand that losing a friend can be tougher than heartbreak. My circle has been small for a long time, but when I found out that the value I placed on the word friend was not shared with one who I considered one of my closest, I kind of freaked out….


I Made Love Wrong – Part 2

You can always find someone to agree with your decisions. Whether they are right or wrong!  You can find someone who will support you.  Isn’t that crazy!  You can find a voice that will tell you, “Do what makes you happy.”  “You deserve this”  “Follow your heart.” But when your closest family and friends raise concerns and you feel as if you should forge ahead without their support, that often leads to disaster.  Pay attention to your true support network.  If your mother, your best friend of twenty years and your favorite cousin all have concerns about Mr. Wonderful, then…


Day 10 – How to Give Priceless Gifts for Christmas

I was talking to a friend after church and she shared something that had been on her heart.  How do we convey our spiritual beliefs to our children?  That is a great question.  As I was thinking about Doing Christmas Differently, I wanted to share an experience that made Christmas special for our children. Perhaps it will help you communicate what you really believe to the next generation of believers.  Serve. A few years back we participated in a Christmas Outreach Challenge for our church.  The task was simple.  We were given an envelope with $75 in it.  We had…


How to Give Priceless Gifts for Christmas Day 5

As followers of Christ we are passionate about keeping CHRIST in CHRISTmas.  That phrase is a mere cliche’ unless there is some action behind it.  This is probably one of the most radical gifts and the most rewarding.  It is definitely one of the most difficult ones, but most fruitful.  Today’s gift is:  A Birthday Present for Jesus -Fasting!  During this season of feasting – begin a season of fasting. Matthew 16:24  Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.  While everyone else is getting…



Skip the long lines, the wrapping paper, the tape, the sticky tags.  Forget the ugly ties and coffee mugs.  This year I want to inspire you with gift ideas that you will never forget! Get ready for the series “Do Christmas Differently” and you may win a $400 Gift Card to Let’s Do Christmas Differently Together. Starting December 1, 2014.       a Rafflecopter giveaway


How Fred Hammond Changed My Life Part 1

  I was in the car coming home from a writers’ event with a friend and she was sharing about a tough time in her life.  She then recalled an album that she listened to from beginning to end that spoke to the situations she was struggling with.  “That music was like a soundtrack to my life,”  she said.  I could hear the emotion welling up as she recalled details of tragedy that music helped her to overcome.  I could totally relate. Listening to her speak made me think of an artist to whom I owe the gift of gratitude….


5 Tips to Prepare You for the LeCrae Anomaly Tour

[/button] So, I was partially prepared for the Anomaly Tour, but after experiencing it, I wanted you to be a bit more prepared than I was.  Here are a few tips on what you can do to get ready and intensify your Anomaly Experience. 1.  Work Out!   DJ Promote got the crowd jumping and dancing during his set which is up first.  Then Andy Mineo (yes, Minnie -O) had us dancing, wylin, singing, crying (just a few tears during Bitter – and I’m unashamed!)  Then LeCrae comes out and sets it off.  When we were leaving the venue there…


Are you Preparing for Christmas the Right Way?

My family is getting our hearts and minds prepared to celebrate Christmas with this book.  Check it out and join us in the preparation. This book is a blessing.  Wondering if you will love it, try the “Look Inside” feature to check it out.  Click here to buy it or try it now.


3 Dream Killers (and how to win the fight against them)

You have a dream?  Then there is a killer who is after it!  Here are a few dream killers and a word about how to defeat them. Killer #1:  Fear –  Fear is a great paralyzer.  If you don’t move then your dream can’t grow.  Fear creates situations and circumstances that don’t even exist.  Fear uses smoke and mirrors to convince you that every obstacle is insurmountable; that every pitfall is an endless abyss; that every set back is an eternally closed door.  Fear is a liar.  When we operate by fear, we believe in a lie.  Dreams from the…



  Jacob had a favorite son, Joseph.  Joseph had a dream.  He told the dream to his brothers.  They despised him because he was the favorite and now this dream infuriated them.  To add fuel to the fire, Jacob had another dream.  He told the brothers and his father.  His father rebuked him and his brothers hated him all the more.   The brothers set a plan in motion to STOP THE DREAM FROM COMING TRUE! Check out the whole story here. Joseph told others the dream he had.  I have heard many preachers say that Joseph sharing his dream…

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