Christmas Questions – Part 1
Luke 2:8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.
1Busy. Busy. Busy!
The shepherds were busy. They were doing the work they were paid to do. Watching their flocks and keeping the flock safe from danger was a full time job! It required their full attention. But God sent a message to them, at an inconvenient time. They were busy when the angel appeared, but they listened to the message and moved accordingly. We can learn a lot from the shepherds.
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What are you keeping watch over? What has your full attention? Its not always a bad thing to be busy. We have plenty of responsibility: watching over our families, our health, our finances, our workload. Each responsibility demands our attention for safe keeping. Shepherds watched their flocks for intruders and illnesses, just as we watch over what we hold precious. They were busy and so are we. Here is the difficult question for this Christmas season. Can you take your eyes away from what you are keeping watch over? Is it gifts for the family? Is it mailing out cards? Is it making ends meet?
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What are you keeping watch over? Is this an inconvenient time for you to come away for it? Is it a bad time to be still and back away from the normal business that pervades every single day?
God is sending you this message – A Savior has been born! Come away from what you are watching. Come away from what has your attention and focus on Him.
What are you keeping watch over? Can you turn your attention to the message of God? Can you come away from the demands of your responsibilities and journey towards the Savior of the world?
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Say Yes to His message.
In Jesus’ name.
How are you responding to the message of God during this Christmas season? How are you focusing on Christ in the business of this time? What is competing for your attention. Please share with our readers by leaving a comment. We love learning from our readers!!!
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