I caught of glimpse of my daughter. My eyes captured her at a moment that my mind framed as a beautiful memory. She was sitting next to her beloved daddy and she was frozen with the biggest smile on her face. Every tooth was showing and the glimmer in her eye that attracted the light was amazing.
I caught her at a still moment in a game that brought her pure joy. When he moved – she copied her daddy. When he paused, she paused. She copied his words and his actions and it tickled her when he noticed. For a certain time he pretended he didn’t see her, but when he turned his head in surprise she spilled over with giggles.
It filled her with joy to be like her father.
This gave me a glimpse of what it is like to walk with the Lord – to truly be in step with His will. Surely, to move when He moves and pause when He pauses is a pure delight. It is not a burden but rather a joy to follow in His steps. Even in times when we don’t think He is looking, following in His footsteps will brings us overwhelming joy and peace. When hell is on the horizon and the worldly outlook is bleak – follow Him.
Are you struggling with doubt or despair today? Copy Daddy!
No matter what happens, you’re going to be okay if you just copy Daddy! When the agony of the cross was upon our Savior, He prayed earnestly. When Judas betrayed Him, He still went to the cross in love. When He was mocked, spit on, crucified – He lovingly endured so that you and I could have life. He stayed in step with the will of the Father. We must do the same. Look to His Word and when you do what it says, just let it comfort you, and lift you up and fill you with joy. Let the Word strengthen you, direct you, admonish you, correct you. Let His light catch your eyes, and His love fill your heart. Let Him catch you copying Him with the childlike faith required to fully follow our Savior.
For life more abundantly – Copy Daddy! For an overflow of joy – Copy Daddy. Our Father in Heaven loves when we do life with Him this way.
Meditate on this verse today.
“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. 2 Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us[a] and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2 NLT
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