Day 7 – How to Give Priceless Gifts for Christmas
This gift idea is a little bit out of the box. OK, well, a lot outside of the box, but I do believe it will communicate Christ’s heart for His people. Before we get into the gift of the day, let me just share a few verses that have inspired this idea.
Deuteronomy 15:10 tells us to, “Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.”
Proverbs 3:27 says, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.”
Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”
Keep these verses in mind as you prepare to give this gift. This gift requires a few friends and some cash. (Perhaps $20 per participant or whatever you feel is right). You have heard of flash mobs, right? This gift is called a Treasure Hunt with a Twist! Sounds crazy? Here is how you do it:
1. Step one, recruit a group of Jesus-believing friends (keep it small 4 – 5 people) who are willing to show God’s love in a different way.
2. Agree on a dollar amount that each person will contribute. Each person should donate the same amount.
3. Gather together to pray and ask God for direction.
- Thank God for the opportunity to show love to His people
- Ask God to reveal to you the person you should bless, the scriptures to encourage them, and the location to find them.
- Ask God for His will to be known and His love to be shown
4. Head to the location at God’s leading.
5. Locate the person. Don’t be thrown off by the way people dress or how they look. Don’t make any assumptions. When you see the person just trust the Holy Spirit and proceed.
6. Send one person from the group over to make contact. (The rest of the group should be close by, but not all together.) Think of a good ice-breaker. “May I bless you today?” have the cash in your hand extending it to them. Remind them that Jesus loves them and this is just a blessing. Once you make contact, let them know that a few of your friends would like to bless them the same way as well. Give a hand sign, and one at a time, each member of your Treasure Hunting Crew will place the cash in the person’s hand. Bless the person.
7. Ask the person if they have any prayer requests. Pray with the person quickly. Bless them, wish them Merry Christmas and disperse quickly.
8. Keep the person and their family in your prayers.
This might seem crazy, but I know it will be blessing. Give good gifts to God’s people! Your love may be the water that causes the seed of faith to grow. I know that God will show you the person with a great need for God to move in this way. You are the key to someone’s miracle. I’m sure there are some other variations of this that you could do. GO FOR IT!
Will you try this? How would you respond if your received this gift? Let me know in a comment below.