Imagine Your Victory Freedom Pages

How Fred Hammond Changed My Life Part 1


I was in the car coming home from a writers’ event with a friend and she was sharing about a tough time in her life.  She then recalled an album that she listened to from beginning to end that spoke to the situations she was struggling with.  “That music was like a soundtrack to my life,”  she said.  I could hear the emotion welling up as she recalled details of tragedy that music helped her to overcome.  I could totally relate.

Listening to her speak made me think of an artist to whom I owe the gift of gratitude. His music was a soundtrack, a roadmap, a cheerleader, a confidant, it was a friend.    I want to share how the music of Fred Hammond changed my life.

When I decided to follow Christ in relationship rather than just rules, I had a particular dilemma.  I knew that reading the Bible was important to get to know Christ, but I didn’t quite know where to start.  I had fallen in love with Fred Hammond’s song, “No Weapon.”  (I mean who wasn’t in love with that song?)  I went and purchased the CD, Spirit of David.  As I listened to it over and over again, I would examine the CD cover.  What I found on the back was such a huge blessing.  Every song had a corresponding scripture reference.  I looked up Isaiah 54:17 first, and I realized that I was singing a verse STRAIGHT FROM HIS WORD!  I was overjoyed.  I was excited.  Finally, I had a starting point to read the Word.  His simple act of obedience to put the verses on the back served as my very first Bible study.  Oh my goodness.  I took such joy in singing along while reading the words in the Bible.  I read beyond the verse referenced.  I read the chapter.  I read the whole book.  I referenced it to friends.  I found a deeper relationship with my heavenly Father from the back of Fred Hammond’s CD cover.

The point of this is, that for some that little detail was insignificant.  For me, it was a major turning point in my relationship with Christ.  It was a great way for me to memorize scripture and for me to strengthen my relationship with God.  I am grateful for music that so deeply reached for the heart of God that it grabbed my heart and helped me reach for God’s heart too.

So, what detail has God revealed to you?  What seemingly small things will God use to influence a generation for His kingdom.  Fred walked in obedience, with his music and with the handling of the Word in his music.  For those who walk in obedience there is a miracle that is released for someone else.  Fred unlocked many miracles for me!  Who is on the other side of your obedience?

Buy the CD, download it.  You have to experience songs like Promise Keeper(Psalm 37:25),

Success is in Your Hand(Psalm 37:4-5), Draw Nigh!(Psalm 42:1)

My life changed when I learned how to worship with God’s Word!  I learned this from Fred Hammond. Thank you Fred!

What song has changed your life? Share in a comment below. 


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