Single but… In Debt
I know that it has been said that money can’t buy love, but let me assure you that lack of money can certainly chase love away. Sonya Britt, a Kansas State University researcher, concluded that, “Arguments about money [are] by far the top predictor of divorce,” she said. “It’s not children, sex, in-laws or anything else. It’s money — for both men and women.”
So, if arguments about money are the top predictor of divorce, are you paying enough attention to your financial outlook while you are single? That Proverbs 31 woman, who most often puts me to shame, forces me to take a look at myself. One of the verses that has always challenged me was, “She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.” She had her finances in ORDER. But she purchased what could make a return for her. She had money and wisdom. Here are a few questions to get your financial house in order!
1. Do you know what you believe about money.
What you do with your money speaks volumes on what you believe about money. Have a plan for money that comes in. The way you deal with money will be projected to your children, and to their children. The family you build will either be a slave to the items their paying for, or live financially free because of the example you are setting. Examine your beliefs about money by taking a look at your bank statement. Are saving regularly? Are you tithing consistently? How will you change to see if your beliefs about money are glorifying God or robbing Him of glory.
2. Are you addressing your debt?
When you get married you bring your assets and baggage to the table. Your debt number tells a story about how you steward your resources. It tells of whether you will multiply your husband’s money, or burn it up in no time.
3. Does your attitude about money match with the Word of God.
If you are serious about preparing for marriage, then you will be serious about evaluating your financial situation. I’m begging you to add up everything you owe: student loans, credit cards, hospital bills, tuition… errrrthang you owe! Add up your debt and get real with it. How can I cut down spending? How can I attack this? You will make that Proverbs 31 woman difference when you marry your husband. Even if he has debt, if your attitude toward money is based in the kingdom then you will use your resources to address his need. You will be an asset to him and not a detriment because you want a new purse, matching shoes, and the trench coat from the latest television show.
At the end of the day money isn’t the issue. The heart is the issue. Money is the avenue that exposes trust issues and fear issues and lack issues and spiritual poverty. These are the things that erode a union that is not on one accord.
Want your marriage to last? Before it begins, address your finances. Get real with your money and submit to God’s way. For more on finances check out the messages from my church in the series called, “10-10-80 Die Empty” It will bless your life and make you a blessing as a wife.
I am, BY NO MEANS, an expert in this topic. I am sharing these thoughts because I wish we would have had a better foundation in this area at the onset of our marriage. My dream is that single women will address this area of health to reduce stress on their present situation and their future! Check out resources from Dave Ramsey and Dani Johnson for more information. Also read a blog from my friend, Ruth Clifford about money saving tips.
I am praying that spiritual prosperity chases you down and overtakes your financial outlook! I want to leave you with some hope if your financial outlook seems grim. Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” He will not fail you! Start today. Start now!
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