Single but… Praying Tough Prayers (Part 7)
My friend was sharing with a group of us her frustrations about being single. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be praying for, and I hate when people say just pray and wait on God.” She was joking but I could sense the frustration underneath. In speaking with my husband about her comments we talked about what we wished we would have prayed for before we got married, and here it is. We want to share some practical tips about prayer that will prepare your heart for what God wants to do for you and through you.
1. Thank God for this season of singleness so you don’t mourn it when it is over.
Do you know how many married people wish they could be single again. So many wish hard enough that they actually make it come true. Many people mistake the desire for a wedding for the desire to be married. Let me encourage you to ask God what you are supposed to learn from this season of singleness. Perhaps there are some life lessons, some heart lessons, some self lessons that He wants you to learn before you are joined together with your spouse. If you are thinking that all you need to make your life happy is a spouse – that may be an area God wants to bless you with revelation from Him. Everything you need to be content is in Him. A content woman make a sweet prize. She adds value to the life of her spouse without the expectation of detracting from him to make her “feel happy”. The woman who is waiting on happiness will be very disappointed because man cannot compare to the joy of God which is what you truly need and is available right now.
2. Ask God to help you desire what He desires.
The most powerful prayer I prayed was when I truly surrendered to God in a situation that was difficult for me. I was at a crossroad, where I could pray the selfish prayer for exactly what I wanted, or I could surrender my personal desire and ask God what He wanted. When I asked God what He wanted, I simply prayed a prayer of joyful surrender – Your will be done. I truly wanted what He wanted. I knew that a miracle was possible. I knew that He could do anything. I didn’t pray to force His hand to the desired outcome, I just trusted Him and said, “I want what You want. You know what is best. You know what I think I want from my limited view, but You know the end from the beginning. I really want what You want.”
Let me tell you the peace, strength and comfort I experienced in praying this way absolutely changed my life. Find out if your desires match the desires of God. Ask Him, courageously – do I want to be married because it looks fun, because everybody is doing it, because I’m tired of being alone, or because I want a wedding. Or am I called to a life of servitude, devotion and faithfulness to lock hands and hearts with a man after Your own heart? Am I desirous of submitting to be a helpmate, submitting to the authority of a man even if I don’t actually agree with everything he says? Is this truly Your desire for me, or have I colored my selfish ambitions to present to you a demand disguised in a “pseudo godly” package. Am I letting You be God, or am I content playing god for myself. Am I asking God His plans for my life, or am I telling God to get on board with my plans?
These are some tough prayers and some difficult questions, but God’s direction is the best direction there is. Praying for you and with you!
KICK HELL OUT WITH THIS SCRIPTURE: Psalm 86:11 Teach me your ways, O LORD, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.
Leave a comment and let us know what you are praying for so that we can join you in prayer. What questions would you like us to answer. We love you.
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