All posts tagged ministry

Sexual Healing

When did you know you needed it?  Was it after the rape or possibly the second you saw that first naked image, was it when trust was broken and shame was carried. Was it after he snapped the pic and you didn’t have proof but you felt like your body had been shared? Was it the inappropriate touch at a sleepover or a friend who became an intimate foe? Was it the abortion?  Was it the guilt of admitting there had been too many partners to remember them all or even worse the fleeting thought that some may not even…


Single but… Being Pursued (Part 2)

So maybe you are single by choice.  Maybe there are men pursuing you so you feel like you have the upper hand.  Talking with my husband about the last blog post Single but…Looking  (if you missed it click here to read it)  he pointed out a few things to me that I think will be helpful to single women who are currently being pursued by men.   1. Who is after you? The “hunter” or the “farmer” I know you are thinking “Hunters and farmers are not exactly the kind of guys I’m looking for.”  Well just hang with this…

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