What Courageous Women Do Differently
Courageous women live life differently. They get different results. While my heart is full of encouragement on courage I wanted to pour some out to you. Here are three things courageous women do differently:
1. Boss fear around!
2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Women of courage boss fear around. What has God called you to? If you know what you should be doing, then fear has probably had a few talks with you about what could happen IF. Fear has probably yelled out a million things that would disqualify you, what other people think about you, how far away from the goal you are, and how it will never happen. So what do you do when fear is yelling? You boss it around. You speak in faith knowing that God can take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. I tattle on my fear. Then allow God to take it captive and make it obedient. Michael Hyatt calls it reframing your fear. (great article click on his name to take you to it.) I call it believing the promises of God to work in every area of your life. Admitting your fear doesn’t make you weak. It invites God into the situation when you confess it to Him. God makes fear move. He gives us the power to demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against knowledge of Him. Get bossy and put fear in its place – under the submission of God. Even your fear can push you toward your purpose when you boss it around.
2. Surround yourself with courageous women!
I have truly had to reflect on my circle. When I hang around scaredy-cats I will become a scaredy cat. Scared women don’t accomplish much, but they do scare away the boldness that you have. Maybe you are at a good point in your life to evaluate your circle of friends. Are the women around you daring enough to speak the truth in love? Are the women around you focused on calling forth the best in you? Are the women around you demanding that you pursue your God given purpose? Are the women around you bold enough to share with you God’s redemptive plan if you veer off the right path? So, does your circle measure up? The right circle of influence has a great deal with where God wants to take you. Friends that pull your focus away from God pull your future away from God. I DON’T NEED OR WANT “friends” like that! Push friends toward their destiny that are pushing you toward yours. Lori Champion said, “You will know you have the right friends when your relationship with God is stronger, your relationship with your family is stronger, your relationship with your purpose is stronger. Good friends keep you focused.”
3. Receive
Right now I speak this into the lives of every woman who needs to break out. I speak this word over every woman who is listening to what fear has to say. I speak this word over every woman who is surrounded by friends who are not courageous enough to walk in their purpose or push you to yours. Just as Jesus called Lazarus to rise up from the tomb, I speak in faith to the death linens that seek to bind. I speak life to what looked fatal, but is not final. I speak faith to every scared person who is aware of their purpose but fear has kept them bound. I speak freedom from the prison of past failures. I speak rescue from the fear of future failures. With the confidence of the Word of God and the faith that will connect with yours I name you strong and courageous. I believe that God’s Word of identity that says you are fearfully and wonderfully made and I agree with God that you will CAST DOWN every argument from fear or otherwise, that seeks to destroy God’s purpose for you. Arise woman of faith. Come forth woman of courage. Be bold woman of beauty. Be brave and take in these words of command that God is speaking to you today.
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
Will you follow God’s instruction? Will you surround yourself with people who will encourage you to follow God’s instruction? Be BRAVE! BE BOLD! BE COURAGEOUS! Do you receive this word today? Leave a comment below that says I’m Courageous!
Love you ladies! Praying for you all.