Love is Patient
God is slowing me down to appreciate His word in small bites. Today’s snack – “Love is patient.”
Walk with me slowly through this meditation. When I became a wife, I kind of thought that I would need a couple of months – maybe a year to “get it right.” I thought that the learning curve would be like learning to ride a bike: you fail – you learn – you never forget. Love is patient – for a reason.
When I married my husband I pledged my love for as long as I live. Why is marriage forever? It requires a patient kind of love assignment that takes a lifetime to complete. In fact, it takes patience to embrace the fact that love wont be perfected on this side of eternity. Love is perfected in patience.
Why is marriage forever? It requires a patient kind of love assignment that takes a lifetime to complete. Read More
— TeshaFritz (@teshafritz) August 9, 2016
Are you patient enough to more toward Christ when it looks hopeless and desolate and painful Will you be patient enough to choose joy in the midst of chaos. Patient love is intentional about seeking what is beyond as a place of contentment rather than the compfort of right now. Patient love means backing away from emotion and leaning into the Spirit of the living God. Love is patient.
I will patiently serve my love to the man I will spend a lifetime becoming one with. Patience is satisfaction in the slow process, joy on the journey, bravery while I’m building, changing while I’m being challenged.
Patience is satisfaction in the slow process, bravery while I'm building, changing while I'm being challenged.
— TeshaFritz (@teshafritz) August 9, 2016
Patience is victory in your vows. It is love. The definition gives us a road to travel on while praying toward patience. Will you pray with me:
Lord, I allow my heart to imagine personifying the ability to accept or tolerate delays, problems or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
In the darkest days of my marriage I pray that I become more like You, Lord- forebearing, uncomplaining and tolerant.
During the worst arguments that we face, I pray that in Your peace I beckon to You for calm, composed and even tempered love.
When my heart is racing and my thoughts are under attack I pray that I am accomodating, understanding, indulgent, unflappable and even cool. Spirit of God breathe patient love into me, so that when I am tested I move in grace.
I pray that the Spirit of God will empower me to love patiently, the same way You have loved us!
In Jesus’ name, Amen
Love is patient!