Archive for July, 2014

Single but… Do I Have to Get Along With Other Women?

Marrying the man of your dreams means that you will have to deal with the women attached to him.  His mom, his sisters, possibly his exes… it can be difficult – especially if they have “issues”.  Dealing with broken women can be a momentous task.  This is what to do when God allows you to see the ugly side of the issues deal with on the inside.  Pray.  Usually when broken women deal with others, they are attempting to evoke the brokenness inside of you with their actions.  Surprise the devil with the shield of faith.  Even when you feel…


Single but… Holding on (Part 8)

Sand castles can be large.  Sand castles can be small.   Some can resemble real castles, fictional characters, famous structures and take on many shapes and sizes, but at the end of the day, no matter how elaborate…all sandcastles are temporary. Here are three things we can learn about relationships from sandcastles. 1.  Sandcastles are temporary – You can built them, pack them, shape them – but when force is exerted on it, it will fall.  Whether the force is wind, or rain, or water, or time it will fall.  It was never meant to be permanent, and everybody knew that….


Single but… Praying Tough Prayers (Part 7)

  My friend was sharing with a group of us her frustrations about being single.  “I don’t even know what  I’m supposed to be praying for, and I hate when people say just pray and wait on God.”  She was joking but I could sense the frustration underneath.   In speaking with my husband about her comments we talked about what we wished we would have prayed for before we got married, and here it is.    We want to share some practical tips about prayer that will prepare your heart for what God wants to do for you and through…

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