Archive for June, 2014

Single but… I NEED HEALING (PART 6)

We don’t always understand the reason we go through terrible relationships.  Some leave emotional scars, while others leave gaping gashes and terrible wounds.  When we experience something awful one thing is for sure – healing is needed.  I love that Jesus Christ is able and willing to set us free from the memories and wounds that attempt to hold us prisoner.  When people would flippantly suggest to me, “Give it to Jesus,” I would not my head and smile through the tears but my heart was screaming out, “HOW?”  Hang with me to learn HOW TO HAND IT OVER TO…


Single but…Moving In? (Part 5)

Our family used to live in an apartment building in the cross section of two suburbs of Cleveland.  When we moved there the building was very nice.  The clientele were respectable people.  There were some grad students, some doctors from a nearby hospital, some senior citizens, and a few young families like us.  The apartments were a great size even though it was a bit pricey, the atmosphere was conducive to the money.  But then they had a move in special…  (Long – drawn out  – dramatic – Siiiiiiiigh) In the matter of a couple of months the building experienced…


Single but… Ready to Find Him (and him) (Part 4)

After posting part 2 to this series, (check it out here if you missed it) I received a question for one of my good friends.  She said, ” Any suggestions on what a single woman should be doing in looking for her godly man? Since now I’m better educated on the difference.”  We thought her question would be echoed by many women, so we decided to write out some action steps for single women looking for her godly man.  Here we go. 1.  Focus on being/becoming a godly woman.   A scripture comes to mind from the book of John:  “I…


Single But…Involved (Part 3)

10 Things Men Say That Really Mean –  You are Not the One (or the Only.) My husband says that men tell women in so many words that they are not “the one”, but woman either excuse away the hint or pretend like they don’t get it.  So, ladies, just in case you didn’t know – here are ten ways men tell you that the relationship is not exclusive or on a path to a dead end.  If marriage is what your heart desires, then please read and remember these quotes:     1.  “We don’t really have to define our…

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