Common Core Aging
Working on a common core math problem with my son, led me to a striking realization. If I rounded to the nearest ten, my age was now closer to the higher number than the lower number. With all the enthusiasm an eight year old could manage to gather my son yelled out, “If the number is HIGHER than five we must round UP!” “I know. I know,” I reasurred him. He was unaware that I was having an internal mommy moment.
Rounding up proved to be a sad reality for me that time was moving fast. Though I had frozen myself in my mind as a recent high school graduate, reality reminded me that college is becoming a foggy memory. Ah, yes. Not to be left out of the action, my daughter made a wonderful discovery just days before the rounding incident, “Mommy has a gray hair.” She paused with the widest grin on her face and then yelled out, “TWO!” Oh, joy!
The decade milestones can be somewhat tragic if you allow your mind to play them up that way. Even when I’m tempted to be disappointed that I’m not what my great-grandmother used to call a “Spring Chicken” anymore – I remember that everyday is a blessing!
If you are struggling with a “round up” age, here are a few little tips to get you through:
1. Remember the friends you’ve lost.
2. Remember you are building a legacy
3. Remember to enjoy today.
4. Remember that God has a purpose for each day.
Take a deep breath – Round your blessings to the nearest ten – And embrace this day, your gray hair and the number of days as exactly what they are: GIFTS!
“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12
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