Jacob had a favorite son, Joseph. Joseph had a dream. He told the dream to his brothers. They despised him because he was the favorite and now this dream infuriated them. To add fuel to the fire, Jacob had another dream. He told the brothers and his father. His father rebuked him and his brothers hated him all the more. The brothers set a plan in motion to STOP THE DREAM FROM COMING TRUE! Check out the whole story here.
Joseph told others the dream he had. I have heard many preachers say that Joseph sharing his dream was to his detriment, but I disagree. I want to share with you a few thoughts on why sharing your dream is important.
1. Sharing your dream is appreciation.
Joseph possessed the dream. He articulated what he saw. He birthed the journey to seeing his vision come to pass by speaking it. The outcome was not something that he asked for, or that he reveled in. It was simply a gift and he showed his appreciation for receiving the gift by sharing it. You have to show your appreciation by sharing what you have received.
2. Sharing your dream is a blow to the kingdom of darkness.
Many think that Joseph sharing his dream catapulted him into harms way. It was just the opposite. Sharing his dream put God’s plan in motion. It glorified God all the more because he shared it long before it was even fathomable that it would ever come true. He shared his dream while jealousy was simmering in the hearts of his brothers. He shared his dream before the murder plot would be foiled, before Potiphar would lie on him, before the prison, before the palace! He shared his dream so that when he said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done,” that we could rejoice and share in his rejoicing.
3. Sharing your dream speaks life.
Joseph didn’t share his dream to gloat or brag. He didn’t share his dream to force his brothers into submission. He was the favorite son. He probably could have convinced his father to make him the number one guy. He didn’t need to share his dream to find favor or the make slaves. He shared his dreams because it seemed like he was compelled to. He shared his dream because there was life in the casting of vision, even to those hearts that couldn’t receive. They couldn’t receive it, but they couldn’t stop it! So next time you worry about how someone will take you dream – maybe you worry that they will misunderstand it, or that they will question your motives, or that they will think you are crazy or conceited or just plain old dumb – I want you to step back and hear from Joseph.
Share your dream. Cast that vision. Prepare hearts (willing and unwilling) to receive the gift that God has placed in you. Yes it may start a whirlwind. It may stir up a faction against you. It may cause others to draw near to you or move as far away from you as possible. But when you feel the Spirit of the Lord prompting you to share. YOU BETTER SPEAK! When you feel the Lord setting the table in the presence of your enemies, you just follow Him. Listen to me – they can plot against you; they can talk about you; they can count you out; they can leave you for dead; they can lie on you; they can cut you off – but not man can not stop God’s dream for you from coming to pass.
The dream He gave you WILL COME TRUE. Speaking your dream will enlarge the territory of your testimony and turn haters into witnesses. Speak your dream. Speak life! It doesn’t matter how it is received, all that matters is that God gave it to YOU!
Leave a comment. Who will you tell about your dream?